Truckin font Vinyl lettering name and number decals price per 6 letters

Truckin font Vinyl lettering name and number decals price per 6 letters



Truckin font vinyl lettering. Choose up to 6 letters. Price is $6.99 for every 6 letters. This wonderful font comes in UPPER case and lower case lettering. At checkout let your letters or numbers and color choice in the note section. Lettering is 1.75in, 2in or 2.25in
You'll receive your vinyl lettering ready to apply and detailed instructions will be included.
We have several colors available - red, Kelly green, vivid blue, pale blue, lavender, grey, matte black, white and light pink, forest green and hot pink.
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  • 1.75 in vinyl lettering per 6 letter/numbers ($6.99)

  • 2in vinyl lettering/number per set 6 ($7.50)

  • 2.25in vinyl set of 6 letters/number ($8.00)